Setup Development Environment#

These instructions will take you through the minimal steps required to get a dev environment setup, so you can run the tests locally.

Clone the repository#


On a DLS machine, this should not be done in your home directory. /scratch/<your fedid> is recommended for speed. /dls/science/users/<your fedid>/ is recommended for portability. You should also ensure your disk quota has space remaining, you can check with quota -s on the terminal.

First clone the repository locally using Git:

$ git clone

Install dependencies#

You can choose to either develop on the host machine using a venv (which requires python 3.9 or later) or to run in a container under VSCode

module load vscode
code htss-rig-bluesky

Then see the epics-containers instructions for setting up a development container.

cd htss-rig-bluesky
python3.9 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e '.[dev]'

See what was installed#

To see a graph of the python package dependency tree type:


Build and test#

Now you have a development environment you can run the tests in a terminal:

tox -p

You can also run the IPython environment with
